Gigeolas 2012 - Gig Diary 2012
17.01.12 Bewleys @ 6 le Gael Linn. Bewleys Café Theatre. Grafton St, Dublin.
21.01.12 Celtic Connections Festival. The Tron Theatre, Glasgow. 8pm
31.01.12 A Celebration of Irish Language, Heritage and Culture. The Great Hall. Belfast
City Hall. 7.30pm.
11.03.12 Glasgow St Patrick's Day Festival. 'Gael's le Chéile', Teach Padraig, Glasgow.
16.03.12 Féile an Earraigh. Bank Square Marquee. Belfast. 8pm
18.03.12 The London Gaelic Voices Festival. The London Irish Centre.
05.05.12 Féile Oriel. Master Deery's. Monaghan Town. 10pm
12.05.12 The Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival. Rosemary Street First Presbyterian Church with
Henry McCullough and Best Boy Grip.
13.05.12 The Cathedral Quarter Arts Festival. The Black Box. Belfast. 3pm.
19.05.12 WARN (West Against Racism Network) Concert. Cultúrlann McAdam Ó Fiaich. 8pm
25.05.12 Irunazarra Taberna, Irunea. The Basque Country.
27.05.12 Etxarri 2012. The Basque Country.
13.06.12 New York New Belfast Conference. New York.
30.08.12 Culture Tech Festival with 'Figure of 8' and 'Serenity Strings'. Derry.
14.10.12 'Féile na Carraige'. Belfast.
27.10.12 The Johnny Crampsie Festival. Strabane. With 'At First Light'.
02.11.12 The Copenhagan Irish Festival. Copenhagen, Denmark.
09.11.12 'Musikantebuckl' in Oberotterbach. Germany.
10.11.12 'Folknacht' in Ettlingen. Germany.
30.11.12 NASC - St. Andew's in The Square, Glasgow, Scotland.
01.12.12 NASC - An Droichead, Belfast.